Take my breath away...

vendredi, novembre 27, 2015 Roxaane Fyanucci 0 Comments

Watchin' every motion in my foolish lover's game
On this endless ocean, finally lovers know no shame
Turnin' every turn to some secret place inside
Watchin' in slow motion as you turn around and say

Take my breath away
Take my breath away

Watchin', I keep waiting, still anticipating love
Never hesitatin' to become the fated ones
Turnin' every turn to some secret place to hide

Watchin' in slow motion as you turn to me and say, my love

Take my breath away
Through the hourglass I saw you, in time you slipped away
When the mirror crashed, I called you and turned to hear you

If only for today, I am unafraid
Take my breath away

Take my breath away
Watchin' every motion in this foolish lover's game
Haunted by the notion, somewhere there's a love in flames
Turnin' every turn to some secret place inside
Watchin' in slow motion as you turn my way and say
Take my breath away
My love, take my breath away
My love, take my breath away
My love, take my breath away

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The Fantasy Angels Company

lundi, novembre 16, 2015 Roxaane Fyanucci 0 Comments

Yesterday, there was the Fantasy Angels Pink party. I were on it but my heart and my mind don't be, they were in real life, to support the people victims of the horror in my country, in French.

After having the great honor to have be selectionned for Models Giving back, yesterday I have the honor to become a Fantasy Angels finalist.

Here the list of the 40 finalists - congrats to all the ladies - ; and a picture of my styling for the Pink Party yesterday. It were an exclusive of Belles Parisiennes which be sold in few days at the mainstore. Thank you Cachou to do me the surprise to work on this dress for me. PosESioN pose and enVOGUE Layka hairs.

1. Issy Flatley.
2. Spirit Llewellyn.
3. Lilia668 Resident.
4. Gisa Bayan.
5. Crista Wellens. (chillicalifornia)
6. DjRose Athena.
8. Rehana Seljan.
9. Chantal Resident (Eva Muse).
10. AddyOmena.
11. Portia Pexington.
12. VanessaDelRio Underwood.
13. Averil.
14. Sydney420 Ashbourne.
15. Memole Gina.
16. Misoindite Romano.
17. Payton Heron.
18. Giselle Chauveau.
19. Catalina Staheli.
20. Danity Mynx
21. Hanna Lunna Naimarc.
22. Lolita Paragorn.
23. Roxaane Fyanucci.
24. Trinity Aironaut.
25. marienart denver.
26. Milla Crumb.
27. njegovanka.
29. Eva Madenwald.
30. Jaily Bailey.
31. Mermaid Rubble.
32. Scarlet Lenoirre.
33. stregavento Nguy.
34. maile michinaga.
35. quinty sirnah.
36. saori440.
37. Sienna Bellios.
38. Diamondgem Destiny.
39. JonelleDevonshire.
40. Aradia Aridian.


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PARIS - 13 novembre 2015

samedi, novembre 14, 2015 Roxaane Fyanucci 0 Comments

Je suis française. Et comme beaucoup de monde en France, j'ai vécu hier une soirée terrible en émotion, découvrant au fil des heures l'horrible carnage qui s'est perpétré sur Paris. Il n'y a pas de mots pour décrire cela, dire que je suis choquée n'est pas encore assez fort pour exprimer mon ressenti. Je pense à toutes ces familles aujourd'hui éprouvées, tous ces gens qui ne demandaient qu'à vivre et je supporte également ce milieu urgentiste dont je fais partie dans ma vie quotidienne, qui est souvent si décrié et qui pourtant hier et encore aujourd'hui, emploie tous les moyens humainement possible pour tenter de sauver la vie à toutes ces personnes touchées par ce drame. Un collègue s'est rendu sur place en hélicoptère hier afin de prêter main forte aux équipes médicales, des chirurgiens des armées se sont également spontanément déplacés pour tenter de sauver des vies. Nous vivons dans un pays en paix et c'est atroce de savoir qu'à toutes ces personnes, ce sont des blessures de guerre qui leur ont été infligées. Un jeune homme indemne a vu sa soeur succomber à ses blessures. Cela aurait pu arriver à chacun de nous, à nos propres enfants. Et même poser quelques mots ici, n'enlève rien à ce sentiment d'horreur, d'impuissance et de révolte qui m'étreint. Il a fallu un tel drame pour que les autorités prennent enfin conscience de toute l'horreur et se décident à fermer les frontières et à mettre tout le pays en alerte. Oui mais voilà, pour en arriver là, ce sont des familles entières d'innocents qui en paient aujourd'hui le prix.

Et quand je vois dans ce milieu virtuel, des personnes qui n'ont aucun scrupules à se faire passer pour mortes, à monter des mélodrames, à jouer avec les sentiments et la crédulité des gens, à se faire une guerre virtuelle pour un oui ou pour un non, j'ose espérer que ces évènements leur donne matière à réflexion.

Dire que je suis outrée est un euphémisme. Mon coeur saigne aujourd'hui pour toutes les victimes, décédées et blessées, et pour leurs familles. Et je soutiens toute l'organisation médicale mise en place et tous ces hommes et femmes qui eux aussi, sur le terrain et bien que ce soit le métier qu'ils aient choisi, n'hésitent pas à mettre leur propre vie en danger pour tenter de sauver celles des autres en s'exposant à la folie de ces terroristes.

* robe by Selene Creations.

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Model Giving back Casting Fall 2015

samedi, novembre 07, 2015 Roxaane Fyanucci 0 Comments

Congratulations!  You have been approved to cast for Models Giving Back.

Models Giving Back (MGB), established in 2012, is the Premier Charity serving modeling agency here in SecondLife.

MGB is a team of professional models in SecondLife who come together with a common purpose - to give back to the community that gives so much to us by fundraising for reputable, verified charities in Real Life.

Our CEO and founder, Jamee Sandalwood, is committed to raising funds and awareness for charities in RL and at our most recent fundraising event, Rock Your Rack 2015, we will be making a USD$2,500 donation to the National Breast Cancer Foundation.  Along with that, we helped other causes here in SL accomplish their fundraising goals, such as the event for the Tiny Footprints Campaign.

Our "crown jewel" to-date is the annual Rock Your Rack charity event bringing together fashion and music in SL for one purpose - to raise funds and awareness for the National Breast Cancer Foundation in a two week event each fall.

But what is in our future?  MGB is moving to a more event-based format, bringing one-time events back to the forefront of SL, in a community that is heavily dominated by recurring 'specialty' events.  We will always do Rock Your Rack, every year, every Fall... but keep an eye out, there may be other events in our future on just as large a scale!

Sound Like something you want to be a part of?

Only the top models will be selected to be a part of this small, elite team.  Many will choose to cast, and few will be selected based on styling ability, prim placement, meeting deadlines, professional history/demeanor, up-to-date modeling and posing techniques, and general runway presence.  We are looking for the best of the best at each casting.

Minimum Requirements to Apply to Cast for Models Giving Back:
   *** This casting is open to both Male & Female Models ***

   1. Graduation from a Reputable SL Modeling School/Academy that offers Comprehensive Training.  (Applicant will provide a copy of their diploma if requested)
   2. Ability to write Clear descriptions of outfits worn.  (Our models write their own backstories/script "blurbs" for their walks.)
   3. Top-Notch Styling Ability
   4. Excellent Prim-Placement
   5. Professional Attitude & Team-Work Mentality.  In this industry, Reputation matters.
   6. Modern/Up-to-Date Look.  This includes: Skin, Hair, Poses, etc.  You must stay current with SL Modeling Trends.
   7. Must Participate in our annual Fundraising event, Rock Your Rack.  The dates are already set for Next year: October 1st - 15th, 2016.
   8. Willingness to help in other areas, such as Photography, DJ'ing, Host/Hostess, Show Coordination, Script Coordination, or other needs as they arise.  We are a true team that works together to accomplish great things - no one is 'just a model' on our team.

..:: Walk #1: Mix & Match Gothic Haute Couture

Style card Gothic Haute Couture :
G408 Dress Elegance Graves
G408 collar
G408 optionnal transparent top & Gloves
(Darkware) unforgiven corset Goth black
Finesmith bracelet Roxaane Set Onyx
Wicca's wardrobe kandria & seska headpiece, lips 2015, psycho armpiece.
EarthStones caged heart earrings
Zibska - Cyrlia noir
Truth hair Rogue
Chrysalis hurricane cane
Luna body art paint summer'15 slink

..:: Walk #2: Mix & Match Autumn/Winter 2015-16 Trends

Style card Autumn/Winter 2015/2016 Trends
*LpD*Bonbon bag pastel pink
Baiastice Helsinki boots Suede brown
necklace Camille Morea
Cap beret Camille Morea
skirt Camille Morea
Loordes of London double chemise
tableau vivant Scarlett hair
Zaara raga oyster ring pearl

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mercredi, novembre 04, 2015 Roxaane Fyanucci 0 Comments

The sixth annual Second Life Christmas Expo will be held on December 3 to 14, 2015 and is a mega event that raises funds for Relay For Life of Second Life (RFL of SL). 100% of registration fees, sponsorship fees, kiosk donations, hunt, raffle, auction, and vendor donation items are paid to Relay For Life of Second Life. Relay For Life of Second Life is a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society and is a virtual version of The Society’s signature real life fundraiser – Relay For Life. You can find more information about RFL of SL here:  http://relayforlifeofsecondlife.org/ .
The 2015 Second Life Christmas Expo will consist of both holiday and non holiday items from some of the best creators and designers in Second Life, spread across 8 sims!  The Expo will feature special events, including live performances, djs, skating parties, a Snowman Building Contest, Hunt For the Bells, Naughty Or Nice, a Christmas Tree Lot, holiday raffles and gotchas, and of course photos with Santa!   The Holiday Of Hope Ball, for the 5th year running, will be held at the Christmas Expo. And returning to the Christmas Expo as a special event this year is the  Avi Choice Fashion Awards.
The 2015 Second Life Christmas Expo Coordinator will be Nuala Maracas.  Nikki Mathieson is the2015 RFL Mega Events Director.
SL Christmas Expo 2015 Committee
The 2015 SL Christmas Expo is brought to you by the following amazing volunteers
Planning Committee Coordinators
SL Christmas Expo Coordinator – Nuala Maracas
SL Christmas Expo Co-Cordinator – Leala Spire
Sponsorship & Merchant Registration
Sponsorship – Leala Spire
Merchant Registration Lead – Nuala Maracas,
Merchant Support & Technology:
Merchant Support Lead – Madonna Daheli
Technology Lead – Lomgren Smalls
Merchant Support Crew –
Special Events:  
Lead – Rowena Dubrovna
Hunt for the Bells  – Earth Nirvana
 Photos With Santa  – Xyza Armistice
Christmas Tree Lot  – Dianna Wycliffe
Naughty or Nice  – Cathy10 Longoria
Skating Party  – Fuzzball Ortega
Snowman Building Contest  – S.I.D. (Sidonie Carlberg)
Raffles & Gachas  – TBA
Silent Auction – Rowena Dubrovna
Lead – Darkstone Aeon
Co-Lead – Kammie2
Hosts –
Social Media / Marketing / PR
 Lead  – Catalina Staheli
Blog Manager – TBA
Social Media   – Catalina Staheli
Visitors Guidebook & PR  – Trouble Memphis Dethly
SL Christmas Expo Website Blogger  – Tee Auster, Aradia Aridian
 Photography  –
Design & Infrastructure
 Landscaping  – Eclair Martinek
Shops –  Dextresis Dejavu
Entertainment Venues:  TBA
American Cancer Society Mission Integration
Lead – Tee Auster
Expo Ambassadors
Lead  – Fuzzball Ortega
Ambassadors – TBA

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