Miss Virtual Latino America audition.
Miss Virtual Latino America audition
I'm french and I'm Miss Virtual World Andorra 2016. So when I saw the information for the pageant, I hesitate a moment and I decided to send my application to do it. I speak and understand spanish enough to participate on it without need a traductor and as all is explained in english too it's finally easy for me. Participate on this pageant is for me a new experience and a way to learn always more with an experimented staff.
I were selectionned for the audition and I wears the styling I have presented in my picture application.
It's a dress with a lot of colors, very modern does by Joy Fellini for Fellini Couture. With his hat and his legging chic. And the skirt is the essential of this styling. And I love so much this dress and the work of Joy, it's always a pleasure to wears a Fellini Couture creation.
And now, waiting for the results.
picture taken by Asia Rae.
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